Awakening Self Blog
Flow vs. Drain
Many of us complain about feeling drained, as if all our energy empties out from our day to day responsibilities and encounters. To feel more vibrant and sustainable energy, it’s helpful to distinguish between the water-based concepts of…
read moreAalasya (Laziness): The 5th Obstacle to Spiritual Practice
This post, on Aalasya (laziness), is the fifth of a 9-part series on the obstacles (antarayas) to spiritual practice, from verse 1:30 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras:
vyādhistyānasanśaya pramādālasyāvirati bhrāntidarśanālabdha bhūmika…
read moreThe Time of the Inner Mystery
Fall takes us into the subtle realms - the inner mystery - where we interact with our spirit and our unconscious through dreams, visions, intuition, and imagination. Autumn’s longer nights turn us to the unknown within us - the inner mysteries. The dark represents the...
The Inner Balance of Autumn… Through Tree Pose
Autumn brings changes - from the thermometer to the inner self. At the Autumn Equinox, the point of equal days and nights that initiates the growing darkness of fall, we are called to look into ourselves and find a new inner balance. While summer called for activity,...
Transitions – The Essence of the Autumn Shift
Autumn is a time of change and slowing down. As we move into this season, let it teach you about the gifts of transitions.
We’ve just passed one of the four cardinal points of the year – pivotal points that transition from one ener…
read morePractice, Not Perfection
When we get caught up in the belief that we can become perfect – and the distress that causes – we can remember these two principles from yoga philosophy, let go, and relax a bit. Practice, not perfection!
Everyone makes mistake…
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