Your BEing is ever present – but do you know your true Self?
There are a lot of big questions in life, aren’t there? One of them for me has always been “Who Am I?”, inspired by the teachings of Ramana Maharshi.
We think we know ourselves… but what we know is really the tip of the iceberg. Who we Are is a deep and beautiful mystery.
Awakening to Your True Self
We could come up with a lot of possible answers to “Who Am I”. But really, it’s not meant to be answered – it is intended to take us into a more profound experience of Being our True Self (as opposed to self with a little s – which we attach to personality, ego, and convenient labels like “mom, soccer player, accountant,” etc.). It’s meant to awaken our Divine nature.
Hence, why I call my website Awakening Self. It’s all about awakening ourselves to that true Self, which is not thought, emotion, sensation, or “doing” but pure BEing. All else arises out of that center within.
When we’re conscious of BEing that, we are more authentic, know our truth, and find more meaning and fulfillment in life. Everything that I offer is meant to support you in BEing your Self.
Today – perhaps all this week – I invite you to sit with the question “Who Am I?” gently and receptively, inviting it to awaken you to the experience of your Self. Let the answers come and go, until only the quiet space of BEing remains.