BEing Your Self

BEing Your Self

Your BEing is ever present –  but do you know your true Self? There are a lot of big questions in life, aren’t there?   One of them for me has always been “Who Am I?”, inspired by the teachings of Ramana Maharshi. We...
Your True Self

Your True Self

Walking the spiritual path means questioning your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions in order to discover your True Self. A few decades ago, I was having a conversation with my mother on the phone.  You might say it was a little heated.  We...
What I Learn From Fear

What I Learn From Fear

I have a confession to make – I have struggled with the fear of flying for over 12 years, since the birth of my daughter. Seems that bringing a new being into the world and being responsible for her created a deeper reverence for life… and an...

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