by Connie Habash | Jul 20, 2014
(about 17 minutes) $5.00 By clicking the button below, I agree with the .… by Connie Habash | Jul 20, 2014
This Level 2 class focuses on the 6th and 7th of the 7 energy centers, or chakras, along the spine: the Ajna and Sahasrara chakras. You’ll explore intuition, insight, transcendence, consciousness, and more, while practicing a slow flow... by Connie Habash | Jul 20, 2014
This Level 2 class focuses on the 4thand 5th of the 7 energy centers, or chakras, along the spine: the Anahatha and Visuddha chakras. You’ll move through air and ether elements, explore unconditional love, balance, expression,... by Connie Habash | Jul 20, 2014
This Level 2 class focuses on the first 3 of the 7 energy centers, or chakras, along the spine: the Muladhara, Svadhishthana, and Manipura chakras. You’ll move through earth, water, and fire elements, explore stability, cohesiveness,... by Connie Habash | Jul 20, 2014
This Level 1 class focuses on the 7th of the 7 energy centers, or chakras, along the spine: the Sahasrara chakra. You’ll explore the themes of transcendence, oneness, and your Divine nature as you focus on the crown of the head, and slowly...