Spirituality/Personal Growth
The 5 Personality Patterns by Steven Kessler
Certainly the best book I have read on understanding personality, defense patterns, and how to release our defenses and return to our true Essence. You’ll also learn how to work with people with the 5 different defense patterns without getting triggered yourself (or how to come back to your Self when you get triggered)! Steven Kessler has put in layman’s terms a system I have studied and worked with for years. I recommend this book to everyone.
The Marriage of Spirit : Enlightened Living in Today’s World by Leslie Temple Thurston
The most powerful, in-depth synthesis of psychology and spirituality I have found, with potent practices for healing and releasing shadow stuff. This is a serious read.
There is Nothing Wrong with You by Cheri Huber
A light hearted, easy read. Refreshing!
Making a Change for Good: A Guide to Compassionate Self-Discipline by Cheri Huber
Another easy read by Huber, and an awesome 30 day practice to explore.
Your Inner Awakening: The Work of Byron Katie: Four Questions That Will Transform Your Life
This CD set truly helped change my thinking – and gave me the skills to question my thoughts! The vignettes of Katie actually working with people on their issues give you a clear illustration of how to apply her method.
Michael Bernard Beckwith: Spiritual Liberation – Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential
An inspiring movie about one of my favorite modern spiritual teachers.
The Infinite Way: Joel S. Goldsmith
I have probably highlighted half of this book! Goldsmith is a master and I refer back to this book again and again, gaining new insights each time.
Do You Do It or Does It Do You?: How to Let the Universe Meditate You by Alan Watts
Alan Watts was before his time, to be sure. He makes eastern philosophy understandable to the western mind. He’s also quite entertaining in his intellectual sort of way. A powerful charisma.
Life Visioning: A Four-Stage Evolutionary Journey to Live as Divine by Michael Bernard Beckwith
This 6 CD set had a major impact on my life. I learned Life Visioning for the first time and it was pivotal in my decision to become an Interfaith minister. It’s refreshing in that it’s not about trying to figure it out and plan the steps – it’s more about letting the Divine flow through you and reveal to you how It wants to express in your life! I like the 6 CDs because he gives in-depth teachings, especially about the levels of spiritual development. Many gems here.
Life Visioning: A Four-Stage Evolutionary Journey to Live as Divine by Michael Bernard Beckwith
For those who don’t want to purchase the 6 CD set, this gets right down to the Life Visioning Process and leads you through one.
You Can Heal Your Life by Lousie Hay
A classic – essential for anyone on the path of healing and learning to love yourself. Available in Kindle and Audio CD.
Giant Steps by Barry Neil Kaufman
A deeply moving book. Several different life challenges, met with unconditional love and the right questions, transform lives. I couldn’t put this down, and it affected how I am present with clients. Highly recommended.