
Take time out of your busy life to deeply nurture yourself.

Group photo at retreat end

Sacred Play:

Discovering Your True Self in the Spontaneous and Joyful Present Moment

Fall 2024 Women’s Weekend Retreat
with Rev. Connie L. Habash
October 18 – 20, 2024

Awakening From Anxiety

Awakening from Anxiety By Rev. Connie L. Habash, LMFTA Spiritual Guide to Anxiety Relief – By Rev. Connie L. Habash, LMFT

Awakening from Anxiety provides valuable psycho-spiritual tools to deepen spiritual awakening and calm fears:

  • Learn what anxiety is and when it becomes a problem
  • Understand the 6 mistakes spiritual people make that increase anxiety
  • Discover the 7 keys to a more calm, confident, courageous life

Click here for full information or use the button below to order.

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Awakening Women of the Earth (AWE)

A new, engaging, and inspiring online community

Spring Retreat Group Photo
We are: Spiritual women who love nature on a journey of connection, empowerment, growth, and awakening.

Join our community and receive 4 FREE calming gifts – plus a “Weekly Bit of Inspiration” and our monthly blog and newsletter!

Dedicated to Awakening the Divine in You….

Rev. Connie’s Featured Video


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“Just being in the group, whenever I come here, whether I comment, read or simply observe, I have felt peace, connection and spaciousness. Watching your videos bring me into presence. I feel your words entering my heart. I feel my heart opening. I feel a warmth enveloping me. Connection. I’m present. At that moment, that is all that matters.” ~… “AWE6”

“I loved the feeling of community with caring, loving, wise women. Connie is such a dear, gentle, & compassionate soul. She really makes you feel held in light & love!” ~ M.S.S.

“Connie is a cherished gift to the world and her ability to create and hold sacred and healing space for women is nothing short of incredible. I’m part of many online spiritual communities but haven’t found the same level of connection and compassion as I have in AWE. I’m so excited to continue on with Connie and this beautiful community… “AWE4”

“Your lessons have added to my presence practices. I have been much more aware of being present in everything I do. I practice a lot of gratitude thruout the day and that awareness has had a refinement as well. Thank you so much Connie. I did not know what to expect. It’s been lovely every day.” ~ Linda Y.

“I have felt a beautiful reminder to slow down, pause, reflect, and connect with nature. It has felt supportive to have others cheer my comments and be able to reach out and comment on others. It is always a lovely gift to be with like-minded women in any way shape or form. And the field that Connie has created has… “AWE2”

“Just knowing that all you lovely women are out there brings me hope, comfort and inspiration to keep practicing. Thank you Connie for creating this space for us. I am forever grateful for all you do to keep cultivating more love and awareness in this world. This gathering has been a catalyst for me to deepen in my presence practice… “AWE1”

Connie’s wisdom is healing. The tools in her book are life enhancing, practical and grounded in love. The deep care she has for everyone is evident. I keep her book bedside and refer to it often. To engage with Connie is to experience a profoundly deep embrace of kindness and compassion, sprinkled with a healthy dose of humor. A must… “Connie’s wisdom is healing”

Leyla Zabih, MS, CLPF

From the deepest part of my heart, thank you for the website and content. I want you to know that each post on your blog is refreshing. What makes your work impressive is that your voice is displayed. Therefore, your heart is shared with all of us who take the time to absorb the words. You are a blessing with… “I applaud you”

E. Cormier, Louisiana

I loved being out in nature and so much appreciated how open everyone was. So much of what was shared had a true resonance to experiences in my own life. It also helped to hear and understand what other women are going through, their experiences and responses.

Sheila Raymond

Thank you for a wonderful retreat. The space you created helped me be vulnerable, joyous, free, brave, and accepted.

Cindy R, Palo Alto, CA

Thank you, Connie, for holding the space for this beautiful weekend… the deep connection on so many levels with the group and myself…. I feel so much love from your heart.

Sue Kessler, Hayward, CA

Everything was wonderful. It came from heart and therefore it was accepted and received by heart… Deeply grateful for this wonderful experience and looking forward to future retreats.

Bibi Sharma, Los Gatos, CA

Loved how heartfelt it was and how you created so much love and safety in this group – it was very profound for me.

Renee Miller, Fremont, CA

Connie’s leadership is exceptional. Her seasoned experience as a group leader, therapist, minister/lover of life and attention to detail allowed me (a natural organizer and caretaker) to truly let go into “retreat” and receive the gifts of relaxation, rejuvenation, connection, and Nature’s Beauty.

Noelle Morris, Menlo Park, CA

I woke this morning counting my blessings, feeling receptive, grounded and ready to share the energy we cultivated yesterday in all my interactions today.

Lynn Heinrichs

I have to say this was a truly powerful and meaningful retreat for me, Connie. I am deeply grateful.

Beth Hughes

Thank you Connie Habash for an amazing day of connecting with amazing women! it was an absolutely magical and inspiring retreat. Thank you so much for all you do!

Angela Champney

Connie is absolutely one of the most intuitive, insightful, kind, nurturing, intelligent, and resourceful people I know. She has given me practical and meaningful tools to use every day in order to reduce stress and increase communication in order to better meet my every day needs. Connie’s counseling style is truly transformative. I found after my sessions with her, I… “One of the Best Experiences of My Life”

TL, Mountain View, CA

You are a powerful and loving force Connie… I wanted to let you know how much your presence and your class touched me to the core.

Clarice Hirata, Mountain View, CA

Connie is a gem. Connie’s vast experiences and wisdom are clearly evident in her teaching and counseling…This is Connie’s gift to us; she is able to take very difficult, complex, hard to understand concepts and make it down-to-earth, relatable and applicable to our modern lives. Her teachings stay with you long after the class. There are many times I hear… “Weaves a Philosophical and Spiritual Message”

Lynn Cheng Kaylor, Fremont, CA

Your classes have literally “awakened” in me the ability to view myself and the world in a more compassionate way. I have taken this new awareness into my very soul. You have shown me the ” light”, namaste.

Diane Boggie, Mountain View, CA

Dear Connie – Unfortunately I live too far to enjoy your classes but I sure do look forward to your monthly newsletter “Awakening Self”. I read portions of it to my Yoga classes, as well as use the Quotes on the end to share with the participants. They love it! What a wonderful gift you have and your loving kindness… “What a Wonderful Gift You Have”

Mary Anna Jansen, Brentwood, CA

Connie is one of those precious few who are able bring much insight, flexibility and heart to human concerns. She is someone who I admire and who I would recommend without hesitation.

Nicole Gottfried Zapien, San Francisco, CA

Connie’s website, is aptly named. Of the many gifts I’ve received as a student and mentee of Connie’s, the most profound has been greater ability to go within and cultivate peace. Connie has a great ability to read the room, perceive what’s needed, and deliver that. This is one of the things that makes a great, rather than good… “Always Inspired”

Erika Meir, San Jose, CA

I am not exaggerating when I say that the group has truly and deeply changed my life. I have never felt more content and at peace, and it is amazing. Thank you so much, Connie. I cannot express in words how grateful I am.

Lynnette Pang, Castro Valley, CA

Sacred Play:

Discovering Your True Self in the Spontaneous and Joyful Present Moment

Fall 2024 Women’s Weekend Retreat
with Rev. Connie L. Habash
October 18 – 20, 2024

Group photo at retreat end

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About Reverend Connie L. Habash

Rev. Connie Habash
Reverend Connie L. Habash

My life is a committed journey to spiritual growth, authenticity, and learning to live the qualities of love, truth, service, and peace. It is my mission to serve by supporting others in their personal and spiritual transformation.


For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a seeker of truth and of the Divine. Even from my childhood, I would look out through the shutters of my window at night and wonder at the stars – in awe of all of creation. What was I here for? How did my little life fit into this vastness? I felt a strong connection to God in my heart, but what was really the Truth? What was Real? I was filled with questions and sought answers.

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