Spiritual Mentoring

If you’re looking for guidance that focuses on your spiritual awakening, overcoming obstacles on the spiritual path, cultivating a connection to the Divine, or maintaining your inspiration, Spiritual Mentoring is available in person in my Redwood City, CA office, or via phone or Zoom anywhere in the world.

Over a few sessions, we can:

  • deepen your connection to the Divine and your inner guidance/intuition
  • discern answers to your spiritual questions – find your inner knowing and also embrace “not-knowing” (allowing Spirit to know for you)
  • learn about and practice Presence, a doorway to awakening
  • develop Embodiment – spirituality that is present and grounded in the physical body
  • incorporate universal spiritual principles into your life
  • attract and deepen relationships to align with your spiritual path
  • cultivate a greater understanding of yoga philosophy, if that is of interest
  • set new goals for your inner development
  • recognize where you are on your spiritual journey
  • clarify your spiritual beliefs and direction
  • envision ways you can make a difference in the world, inspired by your spirituality
  • work through blocks and “plateaus” on the spiritual path
  • practice the Life Visioning process (created by Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith) to discover Spirit’s vision for your life
  • develop spiritual practices that work for you and are effective in expanding your awareness and spiritual growth

Spiritual Mentoring is $185/45 minute session, or a package of 4 sessions for $680 (a savings of $60)

Our time together is focused on your current spiritual needs and interests. For more information, contact me for a free 15 minute consultation.

Spiritual Mentoring is not psychotherapy.  If you want to work on personal issues, but from a spiritual perspective, please see my Counseling and Psychotherapy page.



A selection of books, CDs, and websites that Connie recommends for your continued awakening.



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