Level 1 Yoga Downloads – Chakra Series
Level 1 Bundle – $40 for all 7 (save 30%)
Or single audios for $7.99 each
(Looking for Level 2 – intermediate – Chakra yoga classes? Click here)
1st Chakra
This Level 1 class focuses on the 1st of the 7 energy centers, or chakras, along the spine: the Muladhara chakra. You’ll explore the themes of safety, security, stability, and groundedness as you slowly move through standing and seated poses and focus on the feet. Great for all levels, especially beginnners. Includes chanting, mudras, and visualization.
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2nd Chakra
This Level 1 class focuses on the 2nd of the 7 energy centers, or chakras, along the spine: the Svadishthana chakra. You’ll explore the themes of emotion, sensation, sensuality, and creative energy as you slowly move through standing and seated poses and focus on the abdomen, forward bends, pelvis, groins, lower back, and hips. Great for all levels, especially beginnners. Includes chanting, mudras, and visualization.
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3rd Chakra
This Level 1 class focuses on the 3rd of the 7 energy centers, or chakras, along the spine: the Manipura chakra. You’ll explore the themes of empowerment, individuality, sense of self, and achievement as you slowly flow through standing and seated poses, twists and backbends, and focus on the solar plexus, stomach, and mid-back area. Great for all levels, especially beginnners. Includes chanting, mudras, and visualization.
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4th Chakra
This Level 1 class focuses on the 4th of the 7 energy centers, or chakras, along the spine: the Anahatha chakra. You’ll explore the themes of unconditional love, relationship, compassion, courage, and balance as you focus on the heart, chest, upper back, and arms, and slowly flow through standing and seated poses, backbends, and arm strengthening. Great for all levels, especially beginnners. Includes chanting, mudras, and visualization.
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5th Chakra
This Level 1 class focuses on the 5th of the 7 energy centers, or chakras, along the spine: the Visuddha chakra. You’ll explore the themes of communication, listening, self-expression, and knowledge as you focus on the throat and neck, and slowly flow through standing and seated poses, balancing poses, and preparation for shoulderstand. Great for all levels, especially beginnners. Includes chanting, mudras, and visualization.
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6th Chakra
This Level 1 class focuses on the 6th of the 7 energy centers, or chakras, along the spine: the Ajna chakra. You’ll explore the themes of intuition, imagination, insight, and inspiration as you focus on the forehead, back of skull, and eyes, and slowly flow through standing and seated poses, balancing poses, and preparation for inversions and meditation. Great for all levels, especially beginnners. Includes chanting, mudras, and visualization.
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7th Chakra
This Level 1 class focuses on the 7th of the 7 energy centers, or chakras, along the spine: the Sahasrara chakra. You’ll explore the themes of transcendence, oneness, and your Divine nature as you focus on the crown of the head, and slowly flow through standing and seated poses, preparation for inversions, restoratives, and meditation. Great for all levels, especially beginnners. Includes chanting, mudras, and visualization.
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